Friday, 1 September 2017

.. - - -... .- -.-.-.- ... or... I'm BACK!

Hello - I'm from the past!! Or is it the future? Whatever I feel like I have just emerged from a time capsule as I rediscovered this blog from Ye Olde Days of 2011.

Here is a quick update:

I'd like to claim that I alone made dachshunds fashionable again (see my post on Retro Pets 20/03/2011) or maybe it was always going to happen.
...and I have to confess that budgies are THE WORST PET EVER. I can't and won't go into details.
However I have since discovered the BEST PET EVER and will post about that in the next few days/weeks... decades.

In the intervening 6 years I became a triathlete, then stopped being a triathlete because it was stupid, discovered the beauty of the Italian steel bike and fell in love... with open water swimming.

I also single-handedly discovered instagram - you can find me @katherineanteney

But I read through my blog posts and, maybe it's the narcissistic age we live in, quite enjoyed them. So I thought I'd give it another go.

I have literally stood up and found the first interesting thing (almost) in arms reach: My grandfather's 1937 HMSO B.R232 Signal Card.

I'm not sure what a signal card is for. But they obviously churned a lot of them out in 1937 because all the second hand ones for sale are from that year. I think its so new naval recruits to learn all their flags and ... well... signals. My Grampa has annotated it with little asterisks and random letters, I assume as an aide memoire. Under one he has written 'Whaler's Recall" which just sounds terribly romantic, doesn't it?

The nicest thing is it isn't really a book because it's printed on cardboard pages. Like a baby book for really really nerdy toddlers with easy access to flags.

It was printed by HMSO, does that still exist? And it cost 9d. You can buy your own on Abe Books for £6.