We have Budgies!! Trying to buy budgies is, it seems, the most difficult thing in the world. Since Bird Flu high Street pet shops have stopped selling birds and the aviary I contacted seemed at one point like it may be a front for some communist splinter cell... "yes we have budgies but they are babies phone back.. no we don't have any phone back next week ... we've got 14 but I don't know what colour they are phone back next week ... we've only got one white one phone back next week."
When the budgie hand-over eventually took place I was in such a crazed state of excitement that I thought she may suspect ME of being up to budgie related shenanigans and refuse to let me have them.
So this exciting news and the joy that is Crufts last week led me to think about pets that people don't have anymore.
When I was a child everyone had a budgie... grannies, aunties, neighbours.
And dog breeds are VERY faddy - you didn't see a pug for years - except Willy on Eastenders - now you can't move for them. But whither the long haired Dachshund?
My Nen had two of these called Hansel and Herr Schmidt (well they ARE German and the war wasn't long over) And looking at pictures of them now they are SO of their time. Especially the photo of Herr Schmidt smoking a pipe - which I will hopefully find and post here.
My other favourite OOF dog is the Afghan Hound... a dog in flares! Schick-a-wow-wow. If you had one of these babies you would - by law I suspect - have to walk it in an outfit such as Bianca Jagger got married in.
(the pictures aren't our budgies - they are still a bit camera shy)