This makes me sad. When I was little we didn't have loads of books - I don't actually think there were many books for kids in those days. But one that sticks in my mind is Frances Face-Maker. It was a book all about going to bed. I can't really remember what happened but I think the dad made Frances make loads of crazy faces and the last one was a sleeping face and - hey presto - she went to sleep. The one illustration that sticks in my mind is the one where she pulls her eyes down and acts like a monster - it really used to 'gross me out'.
But despite the fact I am drowning under years of cotton reels and other detritus from generations past that book slipped through the net. My sister claims she doesn't have it and I know it's not here. It must have got lost in a house move somewhere along the line.
I miss that book a lot...
Not least because there's one for sale on Amazon for £170. Dammit!!