I got here extra early to get a good seat next to my old pal Liz. We go way back: Norwich Airport circa 1979 and Lisbon 1984 ish. We've hobnobbed many times.
Anyway here at Ephemera Towers we like a good royal artifact and so did the rest of the family. So for you delectation today we present:
First up is the oldest souvenir of the lot. A Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee mug from 1897. There she is looking like a right old grump as usual on this not-so-jolly and frankly quite austere black and white mug. I haven't a clue where this came from but it might have been my Gt grandmothers as she was born in 1889.

Onward we go to the dark days of 1936 when an American lady with a wasp waist put the kibosh on us having a King Edward VIII. Sadly - or perhaps happily - as he bailed at the last minute the wedding tat manufacturers had already churned out a load of plates, cups, novelty condoms etc
(OK not condoms) and we have a rather nice little item here. I've looked for other Edward VIII stuff on eBay but haven't found one the same as this yet. Maybe it's worth something...maybe not. I think by the 30s there was so much royal related nonesense being churned out it's all worth thruppence.

And onwards to a coronation that wouldn't have happened if the previous plate had served its purpose... if you get my drift. My mum reckons this is hers as my Auntie has got hers. Well Ma I'm afraid it's been left in my house and therefore it is now mine to have and to hold and to blog about. The absolute best thing is it is still in it's box which seems to have been decorated with patriotic lino cuts. LOVE IT!